
ke článku: Jarní vyjížďka do NP Podyjí - 25.3.2017
ze dne 04.03.2017, autor článku: Luděk Jelínek

Komentář ze dne: 16.06.2017 06:05:39
Autor: (y99yyourmailk@mail.ru)
Titulek: Re:
Until 2 yrs ago, Durant had never taken a week&apos; azines vacation or been wherever exotic for pleasure. As a substitute, he spent his off months doing exactly what he&apos; d done since he discovered the overall game as a boy: refining his court skills in wall-to-wall workdays in which bordered on self-affliction. His sport is plagued by Type-A legends Kobe Bryant, together with his manic year-round drills; James doing three-a-day physical exercises but Durant is right up there <a href=http://www.stephencurry.us.com>stephen curry shoes</a> using them. He&apos; d go early morning, noon and night with the Thunder&apos; s facility, fixing his soft spots through the three-point stripe or mastering back-to-the-rim moves from the low blocks. He&apos; d already won this scoring title four years from five, been the league&apos; ersus MVP in 2014, as well as been a five-time All-NBA first-teamer. When sanity argued that they take a month off and go clear t

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