
ke článku: KPŽ NovéMěsto na Moravě 1.10.2016
ze dne 01.10.2016, autor článku: Libor Šaroun

Komentář ze dne: 16.06.2017 02:20:44
Autor: (y99yyourmailk@mail.ru)
Titulek: Re:
After years because the NBA's silent superstar, KD will be finally speaking out. And here is why his transformation creates total sense

Ladies as well as gentlemen, I give people Kevin Durant 2. 0: the world&apos; s-my-oyster, body-adorning, liberated upgrade. It is this particular model he&apos; s having, with his inimitable <a href=http://www.kdshoes.us.com>kd shoes</a> plus points, to the Golden Talk about Warriors this fall, abandoning the team he built from splinters into a perennial title contender, this Oklahoma City Thunder. In that way, he&apos; s knowingly put in jeopardy his richly earned brand since the game&apos; s kindest superstar, opening himself up with a barrage of criticism normally lobbed by alt-right trolls. And why more or less everything hatred for a guy who did things suitable, carried a franchise on his back for nine years while it tried to win a championship about the cheap? Because, for initially in his life, Durant prioritized

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