
ke článku: Muzejní noc na kole 20.5.2016
ze dne 17.05.2016, autor článku: Luděk Jelínek

Komentář ze dne: 04.08.2017 03:20:27
Autor: (y99yyourmailk@mail.ru)
Titulek: Re:
Finals past season, Arsenal's performance <a href=http://www.kdshoes.us.com>kd shoes</a> is just not very ideal, although the info well, but the efficiency is just not high, and his again pass error, defensive irvine was built key 3 points have grown a "black spots" moment, apparently, in hope that on this to prove himself.

No, after the opening, the three points inside the database and didn't reach two shots, on the contrary, the knight three points would hit a lot of over there. Garage or concentrate on defense, he para including lebron, Irwin, JR., continues to be people already, also include successful prevention.

In moving, did well in the Treasury, the ball with a teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in several opportunity attack. 04 seconds left within the first quarter, garage dribble towards the frontcourt, rhythm, but he could be confident the take some steps away from the three-point line and it is necessary to make <a href=http://www.c

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"Re: "

Jméno (přezdívka): 


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