
ke článku: Květen - měsíc cyklistiky
ze dne 26.04.2016, autor článku: Luděk Jelínek

Komentář ze dne: 28.04.2016 10:44:25
Autor: Abedo (2818157943@qq.com)
Michael Kors outlet Products, an emerging cork replica handbags uk and accessories company proudly announces that it has been officially recognized as a cruelty-free vegan brand by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
Michael Kors Products is now included in the organization's database of ethically responsible companies and can feature the PETA logo on its products and marketing materials. All of Michael Kors's products are sustainable, eco-friendly and vegan while being ethically handmade in Portugal from premium natural cork. What most people do not know is that cork is harvested from the bark of cork oak trees – the trees are not cut down. Stripping the bark off of the trees actually allows the oak trees to grow faster and live longer. Cork makes Eve products both lightweight and waterproof, while being just as durable as leather. Michael Kors’s collection includes a broad

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