
ke článku: Sjezdaři CKK na závodech Wood Bike serie – Otrokovice
ze dne 29.04.2015, autor článku: Luděk Jelínek

Komentář ze dne: 11.06.2017 03:31:28
Autor: (y99yyourmailk@mail.ru)
Titulek: Re: kkk
Kevin Durant knocks down the three from your wing and draws the foul.

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Read the Top 5 Kevin Durant plays until now from the 2017 Playoffs! Your Warriors Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green tell you a ˇ°Playlistˇ± of their favorite things.
Kevin Durant addresses the particular media heading into Game 2 of the 2017 NBA Finals. Kevin Durant caught hearth in his first-ever NBA Finals game for that Warriors, dropping a game-high 38 points to search with eight rebounds along with eight assists. Meanwhile, LeBron <a href=http://www.curry-shoes.com>curry shoes</a> Wayne went for 28 factors, 15 rebounds and seven assists in another legend effort, as he became the 1st player to score a lot more than 6, 000 Playoff points.
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