
ke článku: Závody horských kol - Velká cena města Znojma 2008 (25.5.) - strana 5
ze dne 30.06.2008, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 16.06.2017 14:18:05
Autor: (y99yyourmailk@mail.ru)
Titulek: Re:
Graciously, the two stars stand and sign everything the inmates put looking at them baby shoes, water bottles, someone&apos; s marriage ceremony album. Both seem relaxed inside heaving mob, trading bro hugs in addition to daps with tattooed bangers within the bumpy slab of asphalt at center court. After which it the game starts along with the <a href=http://www.stephencurry.us.com>stephen curry shoes</a> men go their very own ways: Green to play dominoes using a noisy side court; Durant for the bench to chat with convicts. One after an additional, they kneel beside him, telling their stories within terse whispers. I can&apos; big t quite hear them, ; however ,, it&apos; s none involving my business. Instead, We watch Durant as he / she watches them. His face brims with a gamut of feelings: agony and sorrow and small-step payoff, all of it grist for his heart. He can&apos; testosterone levels not listen, he&apos; ersus here to bear see. This, too, is life

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"Re: "

Jméno (přezdívka): 


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