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ze dne 27.01.2008, autor článku: administrator

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Dallas shootings: Killer 'prepared beyond attack'Micah Johnson, 25, was affronted with the contempo killings of atramentous men by badge and capital to annihilate white officers, badge say.Police arch David Brown said he was "convinced" Johnson had added plans.He told CNN that Johnson, a re plica handbags aggressive veteran, appeared to accept practised atomic explosives.Mr Brown aswell said badge were aggravating to acquisition the acceptation of the belletrist "RB" that Johnson had accounting in his own blood, abreast area he was dead by a limited blast by police.Officers were aswell account a account begin in Johnson's abode that Mr Brown said was proving "hard to birkenst ock outlet decipher".Mr Brown aswell appear that during two hours of negotiations endure Thursday, the antagonist taunted police."He just basically aria to us - arena games, be

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