
ke článku: České lesy a.s. - příprava cyklostezky
ze dne 31.01.2007, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 17.07.2017 21:32:40
Autor: (damianiclovis@gmail.com)
Titulek: Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU
Ian doesn't get change adversely. Stuart must try to focus on improving (issue worried). Takes responsibility for his steps. Janet's attendance and punctuality file is flawless and she has arranged a standard for others to follow. He's not missed a lot of times of function and sometimes he's delay some particular tasks to be able to be present at workplace. There has been way too many instances of tardiness and absenteeism in Henry's document and also this has already established a direct effect on the work on his acquaintances. Leadership and Teamwork Tag has displayed management attributes over and over and it has been called "experienced" and "approachable" by his colleagues. Eugene has often shied far from acquiring extra jobs and it has a tendency of driving the dollar around. Efficiency the general effectiveness of Nick continues to be excellent and he has proved to be one of many best employees. Despite affected by health issues, Lance has stayed i

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"Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU"

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