
ke článku: České lesy a.s. - příprava cyklostezky
ze dne 31.01.2007, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 31.05.2017 20:21:25
Autor: (damianiclovis@gmail.com)
Titulek: Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU
DAO is manufactured in the little intestine. In a report conducted of 45 individuals with a recognized heritage of sensitivity to ingredients and wine, this study party was wear a histamine-meals-free diet which reduces, cheese, bass, hard cured sausages, pickled cabbage and alcohol consumption. Seven had overall remission. Some girls notice a remission in their allergic symptoms during pregnancy. Infact, amounts are considered to be around 500 times larger in pregnancy. DAO stops the intake of polyamines and histamine originating from swallowed food and intestinal bacteria. It's the body???s reaction to the histamine inside the food. Thus, what happens is really a histamine poisoning due to the lack of DAO to break down the histamine. Furthermore, proof shows that decreased DAO during pregnancy leads to maternity difficulties including diabetes, confronted and overlooked abortion and trophoblastic ailments. This means it is a chance that women, who've had frequent miscarriages and a

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"Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU"

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