
ke článku: České lesy a.s. - příprava cyklostezky
ze dne 31.01.2007, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 05.05.2017 16:38:58
Autor: (damianiclovis@gmail.com)
Titulek: Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU
This technique leads to a file that has been known by such conditions as a personal growth program, a learning contract, MBO (supervision-by-targets) for particular learning, a personal "curriculum" for learning, plus a plan for individual career progression. These resources may incorporate, for example: literature, mentors, co- workers, additional experts for network, vendors or companies, lessons, technological conferences, qualified connection contribution, gear books, laboratory studies, generation workers, academics and instructors, area knowledge, your supervisors, along with a selection of understanding systems including computers, the World Wide Web, as well as perhaps also your millis DCS (electronic control method). What items can be utilized to examine your learning expertise? 8. Identify the technique you will utilize to verify your deliverables and also to assess the success of your understanding proje

Reakce na komentář
"Re: UAJTzYhXjIsYcSznU"

Jméno (přezdívka): 


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